Suspension of the Test (確認の中止):

A. When the total accumulated points you have missed, clearly make it impossible for you to achieve a passing score. Passing is 70 points and above. You got 100 points at the start of your exam! Minus points are 5, 10 and 20 points.
B. When you have been guilty of any of the following type of hazardous driving:
Driving the wrong way against on-coming traffic.
Reckless driving.
Scraping objects.
Running over boundaries.
Driving on the right side of the road
Obstructing traffic.
Failure to observe traffic signals.
Failure to stop momentarily.
Failure to stop at a railroad crossing.
Violation of a pedestrian safety zone.
Passing violation.
Exceeding the stop zone.
Passing Crossroads:
It is immensely dangerous to make abrupt turns without signals or from wrong lanes.
When turning to the left, stay as near as possible to the left side of the road and turn slowly along the edge of the crossroad.
When turning to the right, stay as near as possible to the centerline and turn slowly before the center point of the crossroad.
If a crossroad has a "follow directions" sign, make sure to choose and stay in the correct lane for going straight or turning to the right or left accordingly.
Reference: From Japan driver's license center pamphlet.