If you already have AT (automatic transmission) driver's license for regular motor vehicle, the steps converting it into MT (manual transmission) is as easy as 1, 2, 3 but of course you need to practice driving and log at least 4~6 hours before your practical examination.
The good thing is "No written-exam" is required, only driving skills check (practical) which is inside the driver's license center course.
What to bring?
Japan driver's license
Residence Card
Money for payment
How much?
Application for AT cancellation (AT限定解除) : 1,400 yen
Practical exam fee : 1, 450 yen
Go to the Driving skills examination section (技能試験受付).
Submit your documents.
Pay for the application fee.
Reserve for any of the available schedule of your choice.
Pay for the practical exam fee.
Come back on the day of your driving skills examination.
Should you need to build more driving confidence before your scheduled examination, call EDS Driving School to schedule a lesson at our indoor practice driving or even at the place of you actual driver's license center.
To learn about the coverages, please follow and read this link - Read Me